Villain for 'Amazing Spider-Man' Confirmed?

Amazing Spider-Man #6
Amazing Spider-Man #6

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN actor C. Thomas Howell has apparently spilled the beans on the main villain for the Marvel Comics superhero movie.
 Appearing on The Retroradio podcast, Howell seems to have confirmed that The Lizard (Curt Connors) will be that character, the unamed role for which Rhys Ifans (HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS ) was cast.
C. Thomas Howell is quoted as saying:

“There is not a whole lot to talk about. Sony wants us to be hush-hush right now.
I play a relatively small role. I play a construction worker who’s son is caught in the middle of a battle between the Lizard and Spider-Man on the Manhattan bridge. Spider-Man helps me get my son back from this perilous situation. There is some payback there at the end of the movie. Spider-man is kind of hurting. I help him when all of the other people won’t.
Part of the story is, the nation thinks he might be a bad guy. They don’t know what to think. Because of my experience on the bridge with my kid, I know he is a good guy. I pitch in and help out at the end. That is the best way.”

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