Ridley Scott Onboard 'Blade Runner' Redux

bladerunner_2According to Deadline,  Ridley Scott, currently filming the ALIEN “prequel” (or is it?) PROMETHEUS, has agreed to produce and direct a BLADE RUNNER film with Alcon Entertainment.
 Alcon’s  Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove, who acquired the film rights earlier this year. It’s unclear if the film will be a prequel or sequel to  the property, based on Philip K. Dick’s  1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Scott helmed the original 1982 BLADE RUNNER, set in a dystopian version of 2019. It had many differences from the source text;  Scott’s vision was of a steamy, overpopulated LA, Dick’s a greatly de-populated, radioactive dust-laden San Fransisco.  
Though starring Harrison Ford (still with the STAR WARS buzz, but before gaining major star status ), and sporting an richly detailed visual mise-en-scène, the film was not a big success in theaters.
In later years, on re-examination through TV and video veiwings, it began to grow in status. A Director’s Cut and a later 25th Anniversary DVD re-master overssen by Ridley Scott led to BLADE RUNNER’s reappraisal as significant science fiction thriller with a distinctive retro-future Film Noir style.