BLADE RUNNER's William Sanderson: The CFQ Interview

William Sanderson (right) and Chris Bauer face the brave new, bloodsucking future in TRUE BLOOD.
William Sanderson (right) and Chris Bauer face the brave new, bloodsucking future in TRUE BLOOD.

Who among us didn’t watch lonely, trusting J.F. Sebastian take renegade replicant Pris into his digs at the Bradbury building and think, Oh, this shall not end well? It was William Sanderson who gave BLADE RUNNER’s afflicted replicant designer an awkward vulnerability, but the actor also gave life to TRUE BLOOD’s conflicted Sheriff Bud Dearborne and, outside of the genre, DEADWOOD’s canny innkeeper E.B. Farnum and NEWHART’s deadpan townie Larry (of Larry, Darryl and Darryl).
I got talk with Sanderson about the span of his career, during which we get some inside tales of life on-set, and a certain, geeky podcast host and producer gets hoist on his own bio. Click the player to hear the show.