SEO Smart Links Test Page ZZZ

Below are words and phrases that have not been manually hyperlinked. The goal is to check whether SEO Smart Links is automatically adding links to posts or tags. (NOTE: The letters “ZZZ” in the headline are just to make it easier to find this post with the search engine.)
10,000 B.C. is Lost in History. This is a post title
20 YEARS AFTER Capsule Review. This is a post title
12 Monkeys (1995) – Science Fiction Film Review. This is a post title.
A Christmas Carol (2009). This is a post title. It does not link to the post, but it does link to the tag “Christmas”
Alien Raiders – Film Review. This is a post title
Alien Revisted: An Interview with Ridley Scott. This is a post title
Alien Trespass – Science Fiction Film Review. This is a post title
Caprica DVD Review. This is a post title
Farscape Season Three Episode Guide. This is a post title.
At a glance, it seems that post do not link properly when the headlines contain a dash or a parenthesis, or when they contain more than one capital letter in a row.
Tags do seem to work with multiple capital letters in a row but not with parenthesis. (There are no examples of the latter, but I have previously experimented with them.)

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