Micmacs theatrical release expands

The latest surreal confectionary from supreme stylist Jean-Pierre Jeunet (fully titled Micmacs a Tire-Larigot [“Non-Stop Madness”] in its native France) receives a limited theatrical release from Sony Pictures classics, opening in New York on May 28, with engagements following on June 4 in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, San Diego, and San Francisco.
The story follows a young man, orphaned as a child, who is hit in the head by a stray bullet, then hooks up with a salvage artist who creates an underground home in a dump, filled with magical tools and sculptures crafted from discarded junk. No, it doesn’t sound like a traditional fantasy film, but Jeunet’s work always always falls within the realm if cinefantastique by virtue of its fanciful way of looking at the world, creating stylized landscape of the imagination. Jeunet directed from a screenplay he co-wrote with Guillaume Laurant, who supplied the dialogue. The cast includes Dany Boon, Andre Dussollier, Nicolas Marie, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Yolande Moreau, Julie Ferrie, Omar Sy, and Dominique Pinon.

Micmacs à tire-larigot (2009)


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