DR. WHO Season Finale Begins

–Watch the Trailer–

The two-part season finale of DOCTOR WHO begins tonight on BBC America, with The Pandorica Opens.

From the official description: “According to legend, the Pandorica contains the most feared being in all the cosmos, a monster soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The Doctor’s friends unite to send him a terrible warning—the Pandorica is opening.
But what’s inside, and can even the Doctor stop it?”

Matt Smith stars as the Doctor, with  Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Alex Kingston as River Song. Other characters from the series may also appear.DW_Pandorica (We’re trying to keep things relatively SPOILER-free; however, the trailer reveals some of the surprises.)
The Pandorica Opens was written by series producer Steven Moffat and directed by Toby Haynes
DOCTOR WHO  airs Saturdays at 9:00 PM (8:00pm Central) on BBC America.

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