Cybersurfing: "Twilight's" White Gleaming

Two websites have some interesting commentary on the merits (or lack thereof) in TWLIGHT, the teen-romance-vampire movie based on the best-selling Young Adults novels.
At the Guardian, Ben Walters rehashes the never-ending sex-versus-violence debate. In “Twilight and Milk show America’s confused attitude to bodily fluids,” he objects to the film’s “pernicious sexual-behavior subtext.

This story about the nobility and wisdom of resisting the urge to act on one’s carnal impulses has unsurprisingly proven compatible with the abstinence campaigning that fills so many American teenagers’ lives and heads.
Happily for American audiences, a remedy is at hand. Another newly released film, this one directed by Gus Van Sant, is also short on actual sex but offers a rousing testament to sexual liberation along with a measured and horrifying appreciation of the consequences of violence. Milk, you’d have thought, is a bodily fluid everyone can get behind. The MPAA rated the movie R.

Meanwhile, at, Eric Nolan argues that, although he found the TWLIGHT movie more entertaining than the book, the film franchise will never best the HARRY POTTER flicks:

The themes of Harry Potter’s saga — what it takes to be a hero and how to choose good in a world where evil always seems to win — are questions that actually matter to the human race. The Harry Potter series takes us out of ordinary life and into a fantastical world, but the characters’ emotions never stray from the truth of human existence.
Harry Potter is a fantasy character who real humans can see pieces of themselves in. And that’s something Edward Cullen can never beat, even if he does sparkle.

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